Bay Area Concierge Service & Success Stories

Home concierge has had proven success, and in the video above you can see first hand how Jo Ann was able to transform her Marin County home with compass services. Before the program, Jo Ann said to a friend that she wished she had the funds to pay for home improvements that she could then pay back once the home sold. This wish came true with the concierge real estate program and with $57K invested in home concierge services, Jo Ann sold her home four days after it was listed for the market. Her home was sold for $200K over the initial listing price. San Francisco Bay Area Concierge Services are as unique as the properties themselves; every San Francisco home deserves some TLC before listing for sale. From unique Victorian and Edwardian buildings, to homes that used to be churches, San Francisco residential real estate is immersed in history and character. Many sellers want to preserve that history and charm while also updating and renovating their homes to meet modern times for buyers. This can be a costly and time consuming project.  With concierge realty, we are able to bring in the right dedicated professionals, from general contractors to interior designers, to ensure that your home is handled with care. An example we love to share is one from an agent in our San Francisco office. She recently utilized Compass Concierge on a home that had been in the sellers family since 1949. After the owner passed away, the family wanted to sell the home, but they wanted to preserve the history that the home had. Additionally, they could not afford the renovations needed. The home was in disrepair, dark, and needed a lot of work. With the home renovation loan, the family was able to put their trust in their agent and concierge services to prepare the home for sale. The seller explains that, “The concierge program relieved my family of a lot of the concerns and stresses of financing the preparation of the’s hard to put into words how much of an improvement there is.” 

This is exactly how concierge real estate services work, allowing you to sell your home quickly, efficiently and for a higher price. Concierge realty is becoming the reality of real estate, and we want to be the ones to help you unlock the potential of your home. We know how challenging and costly home renovations can be, and with Compass Concierge we will be with you every step of the way to ensure that your questions are answered and to relieve some of the stress of selling your home. 

The first question people ask when they learn about the concierge program is “Am I qualified?” The concierge program has been offered all over the Bay area and to understand in more detail how the program works head over the  How Does Compass Concierge Work tab. Whether you're ready to sell a Marina-style home in San Francisco, or a Mid-Century home in Mill Valley, the Concierge program can help you sell your home at high price.

The Rob and Carey team is here to help transform your home for the market and unlock the home’s future potential for your perfect buyer. Contact us with any questions you may have about Compass Concierge Services in San Francisco or the Bay Area.

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